
Details regarding the Workshop - posters

 The workshop will take place from Thursday, June 28 at 9:00 am till Friday, June 29 around 3:30 pm.

The program can be found on the website. A significant time is set for poster session to maximize interactions.

Please find herefater few recommandations regarding your posters for the workshop.  You are responsible for printing and bringing your posters. 


Below are some poster requirements and suggestions for the Toulouse Workshop:

Size – should be according to European A0 size, 841x1189 mm or 33.1 inches wide and 46.8 inches high.  Be aware that standard American sized posters will not typically fit European attachments, although there might be possibilities...

Title & Authors - Every poster should have a title and authors (the poster presenter, plus anyone else who may have contributed).   Be sure to include your US co-mentor as one of the authors when appropriate, the French mentors and contributing group members (doctoral students, postdocs, etc.).  Confirm all inclusions with both your French and US mentors.

Acknowledgements - The University of Toulouse, as the host and sponsor for the workshop, should be included on your poster (Ideally centered at the top of your poster).  It is important to credit your home university in the US and your host university and/or laboratories in France.  (Include the logo of your US university at the top left of your poster and the logo of the French group you are in on the top right.)  If you are in an LSAMP, add that logo as well (at the bottom).  Check with your US and French mentors prior to printing to verify you have the correct information.  It is also VERY IMPORTANT to acknowledge the NSF AWARD #1560390.  

Abstract & Graphics – You and your mentors will work together to prepare your poster how you see fit.  However, we do suggest an abstract or brief introduction paragraph, as well as some “attention-grabbing” graphics, if possible.

Photo – 90% of your poster should contain research material about both your US and abroad work.  If space permits, you may add a small photo at the bottom of your poster regarding a unique, interesting or enjoyable experience during your trip highlighting the cultural nature of the transatlantic exchange!  This is an additional way to spark interest in your poster during the workshop, which can segue into conversations regarding your research. 


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